Date |
2006/03/05 20:22:53 |
Name |
몽키매직 |
Subject |
몽키매직의 맵별 밸런스 랭킹 (2006.3.5.) |
개인리그가 끝났기에 또다시 올려봅니다. 순위변동이 조금 있었구요. 전적이 아직 덜 쌓인 몇몇맵은 아직 포함시키지 않았습니다. 이번엔 엘리트 학생복 리그 덕분에 오래된 맵의 전적도 몇가지 바뀌었습니다. 오늘 경기(3.5)까지 포함하였습니다. 전적 자료는 에서 얻었습니다. 예전에 제가 했던 방식과 같은 방식입니다. 절대적인 수치는 아니지만, 점수가 낮을수록 밸런스가 좋을 가능성이 높다고 보시면 되겠습니다.
자세한 계산 방식이 궁금하신 분은 '몽키매직'으로 이름검색 하신후에, 1월 18일에 올린 자료를 보시면 되겠습니다.
먼저 순위 입니다.
1. Parallel lines 통합 - 15.2
2. Luna - 21.5
3. JR's memory 통합 - 24.0
4. Requiem - 28.4
5. Rush Hour 통합 - 31.4
6. Into the Darkness II - 32.8
7. Neo Bifrost - 34.4
8. Blade Storm 통합 - 35.1
9. Nostalgia - 35.6
10. Detonation - 36.2
11. Guillotine 통합 - 41.7
12. Bifrost 3 - 57.0
13. Into the Darkness - 63.2
14. R Point - 64.9
15. 개마고원 - 102
16. Ride of Valkyries - 109
17. 남자이야기 - 117
18. Forte - 123
19. Plains to Hill(etc) - 126
20. Enter the Dragon 통합 - 128
21. 신개마고원 - 145
22. Neo Requiem - 149
23. Detonation F - 155
24. Plains to Hill(D) - 159
25. Neo Forte - 161
26. Arizona - 164
27. Neo Forbidden Zone - 170
28. Mercury - 208
29. Alchemist - 308
30. Raid Assault 통합 - 384
31. Paradoxxx 통합 - 666
사용한 전적자료
Parallelines 통합 - 15.2
T:Z - 15:22 (40.5:59.5)
Z:P - 11:16 (40.7:59.3)
P:T - 12:16 (42.9:57.1)
Terran = 40.5+57.1 = 97.6
Zerg = 59.5+40.7 = 100.2
Protoss = 59.3+42.9 = 102.2
Luna - 21.5
T:Z - 152:131 (53.7:46.3)
Z:P - 84:93 (47.5:52.5)
P:T - 96:79 (54.9:45.1)
Terran = 53.7+45.1 = 98.8
Zerg = 46.3+47.5 = 93.8
Protoss = 52.5+54.9 = 107.4
JR's Memory 통합 - 24.0
T:Z - 72:65 (52.6:47.4)
Z:P - 57:42 (57.6:42.4)
P:T - 51:50 (50.5:49.5)
Terran = 52.6+49.5 = 102.1
Zerg = 47.4+57.6 = 105.0
Protoss = 42.4+50.5 = 92.9
Requiem - 28.4
T:Z - 91:70 (56.5:43.5)
Z:P - 50:32 (61.0:39.0)
P:T - 56:41 (57.7:42.3)
Terran = 56.5+42.3 = 98.8
Zerg = 43.5+61.0 = 104.5
Protoss = 39.0+57.7 = 96.7
Rush Hour 통합 - 31.4
T:Z - 45:49 (47.9:52.1)
Z:P - 27:20 (57.4:42.6)
P:T - 21:19 (52.5:47.5)
Terran = 47.9+47.5 = 95.4
Zerg = 52.1+57.4 = 109.5
Protoss = 42.6+52.5 = 95.1
Into The Darkness II - 32.8
T:Z - 28:28 (50.0:50.0)
Z:P - 21:23 (47.7:52.3)
P:T - 23:17 (57.5:42.5)
Terran = 50.0+42.5 = 92.5
Zerg = 50.0+47.7 = 97.7
Protoss = 52.3+57.5 = 109.8
Neo Bifrost - 34.4
T:Z - 53:42 (55.8:44.2)
Z:P - 35:31 (53.0:47.0)
P:T - 33:22 (60.0:40.0)
Terran = 55.8+40.0 = 95.8
Zerg = 44.2+53.0 = 97.2
Protoss = 47.0+60.0 = 107.0
Blade Storm 통합 - 35.1
T:Z - 60:49 (55.0:45.0)
Z:P - 44:29 (60.3:39.7)
P:T - 34:23 (59.6:40.4)
Terran = 55.0+40.4 = 95.4
Zerg = 45.0+60.3 = 105.3
Protoss = 39.7+59.6 = 99.3
Nostalgia - 35.6
T:Z - 141:107 (56.9:43.1)
Z:P - 83:71 (53.9:46.1)
P:T - 69:78 (46.9:53.1)
Terran = 56.9+53.1 = 110.0
Zerg = 43.1+53.9 = 97.0
Protoss = 46.1+46.9 = 93.0
Detonation - 36.2
T:Z - 9:12 (42.9:57.1)
Z:P - 5:6 (45.5:54.5)
P:T - 9:14 (39.1:60.9)
Terran = 42.9+60.9 = 103.8
Zerg = 57.1+45.5 = 102.6
Protoss = 54.5+39.1 = 93.6
Guillotine 통합 - 41.7
T:Z - 88:83 (51.5:48.5)
Z:P - 67:55 (54.9:45.1)
P:T - 47:31 (60.3:39.7)
Terran = 51.5+39.7 = 91.2
Zerg = 48.5+54.9 = 103.4
Protoss = 45.1+60.3 = 105.4
Bifrost 3 - 57.0
T:Z - 20:22 (47.6:52.4)
Z:P - 12:8 (60.0:40.0)
P:T - 12:10 (54.5:45.5)
Terran = 47.6+45.5 = 93.1
Zerg = 52.4+60.0 = 112.4
Protoss = 40.0+54.5 = 94.5
Into The Darkness - 63.2
T:Z - 26:21 (55.3:44.7)
Z:P - 13:16 (44.8:55.2)
P:T - 13:18 (41.9:58.1)
Terran = 55.3+58.1 = 113.4
Zerg = 44.7+44.8 = 89.5
Protoss = 55.2+41.9 = 97.1
R Point - 64.9
T:Z - 96:58 (62.3:37.7)
Z:P - 47:44 (51.6:48.4)
P:T - 55:53 (50.9:49.1)
Terran = 62.3+49.1 = 111.4
Zerg = 37.7+51.6 = 89.3
Protoss = 48.4+50.9 = 99.3
개마고원 - 102
T:Z - 43:25 (63.2:36.8)
Z:P - 25:26 (49.0:51.0)
P:T - 19:22 (46.3:53.7)
Terran = 63.2+53.7 = 116.9
Zerg = 36.8+49.0 = 85.8
Protoss = 51.0+46.3 = 97.3
Ride of Valkyries - 109
T:Z - 27:30 (47.4:52.6)
Z:P - 31:17 (64.6:35.4)
P:T - 28:24 (53.8:46.2)
Terran = 47.4+46.2 = 93.6
Zerg = 52.6+64.6 = 117.2
Protoss = 35.4+53.8 = 89.2
남자이야기 - 117
T:Z - 24:28 (46.2:53.8)
Z:P - 18:12 (60.0:40.0)
P:T - 15:22 (40.5:59.5)
Terran = 46.2+59.5 = 105.7
Zerg = 53.8+60.0 = 113.8
Protoss = 40.0+40.5 = 80.5
Forte - 123
T:Z - 10:12 (45.5:54.5)
Z:P - 11:6 (64.7:35.3)
P:T - 8:7 (53.3:46.7)
Terran = 45.5+46.7 = 92.2
Zerg = 54.5+64.7 = 119.2
Protoss = 35.3+53.5 = 88.8
Plains To Hill(etc) - 126
T:Z - 56:63 (47.1:52.9)
Z:P - 34:34 (50.0:50.0)
P:T - 34:18 (65.4:34.6)
Terran = 47.1+34.6 = 81.7
Zerg = 52.9+50.0 = 102.9
Protoss = 50.0+65.4 = 115.4
Enter The Dragon 통합 - 128
T:Z - 49:26 (65.3:34.7)
Z:P - 28:31 (47.5:52.5)
P:T - 30:32 (48.4:51.6)
Terran = 65.3+51.6 = 116.9
Zerg = 34.7+47.5 = 82.2
Protoss = 52.5+48.4 = 100.9
신개마고원 - 145
T:Z - 78:43 (64.5:35.5)
Z:P - 40:24 (62.5:37.5)
P:T - 29:32 (47.5:52.5)
Terran = 64.5+52.5 = 117.0
Zerg = 35.5+62.5 = 98.0
Protoss = 37.5+47.5 = 85.0
Neo Requiem - 149
T:Z - 53:55 (49.1:50.9)
Z:P - 50:56 (47.2:52.8)
P:T - 46:23 (66.7:33.3)
Terran = 49.1+33.3 = 82.4
Zerg = 50.9+47.2 = 98.1
Protoss = 52.8+66.7 = 119.5
Detonation F - 155
T:Z - 18:25 (41.9:58.1)
Z:P - 22:14 (61.1:38.9)
P:T - 11:16 (40.7:59.3)
Terran = 41.9+59.3 = 101.2
Zerg = 58.1+61.1 = 119.2
Protoss = 38.9+40.7 = 79.6
Plains To Hill(D) - 159
T:Z - 60:36 (62.5:37.5)
Z:P - 30:36 (45.5:54.5)
P:T - 20:30 (40.0:60.0)
Terran = 62.5+60.0 =122.5
Zerg = 37.5+45.5 = 83.0
Protoss = 54.5+40.0 = 94.5
Neo Forte - 161
T:Z - 56:28 (66.7:33.3)
Z:P - 39:48 (44.8:55.2)
P:T - 45:39 (53.6:46.4)
Terran = 66.7+46.4 = 113.3
Zerg = 33.3+44.8 = 78.1
Protoss = 55.2+53.6 = 108.8
Arizona - 164
T:Z - 37:23 (61.7:38.3)
Z:P - 17:7 (70.8:29.2)
P:T - 19:16 (54.3:45.7)
Terran = 61.7+45.7 = 107.4
Zerg = 38.3+70.8 = 109.1
Protoss = 29.2+54.3 = 83.5
Neo Forbidden Zone - 170
T:Z - 26:18 (59.1:40.9)
Z:P - 18:18 (50.0:50.0)
P:T - 34:15 (69.4:30.6)
Terran = 59.1+30.6 = 89.7
Zerg = 40.9+50.0 = 90.9
Protoss = 50.0+69.4 = 119.4
Mercury - 208
T:Z - 27:27 (50.0:50.0)
Z:P - 33:13 (71.7:28.3)
P:T - 21:18 (53.8:46.2)
Terran = 50.0+46.2 = 96.2
Zerg = 50.0+71.7 = 121.7
Protoss = 28.3+53.8 = 82.1
Alchemist - 308
T:Z - 10:7 (58.8:41.2)
Z:P - 8:2 (80.0:20.0)
P:T - 11:6 (64.7:35.3)
Terran = 58.8+35.3 = 94.1
Zerg = 41.2+80.0 = 121.2
Protoss = 20.0+64.7 = 84.7
Raid Assault 통합 - 384
T:Z - 28:35 (44.4:55.6)
Z:P - 21:10 (67.7:32.3)
P:T - 20:7 (74.1:25.9)
Terran = 44.4+25.9 = 70.3
Zerg = 55.6+67.7 = 123.3
Protoss = 32.3+74.1 = 106.4
Paradoxxx 통합 - 666
T:Z - 8:9 (47.1:52.9)
Z:P - 1:9 (10.0:90.0)
P:T - 9:13 (40.9:59.1)
Terran = 47.1+59.1 = 106.2
Zerg = 52.9+10.0 = 62.9
Protoss = 90.0+40.9 = 130.9
Terran이 유리한 맵
1. Plains to Hill (D) - 122.5
2. 신개마고원 - 117.0
3. Enter the Dragon 통합 - 116.9
개마고원 - 116.9
5. Into the Darkness - 113.4
Zerg가 유리한 맵
1. Raid Assault 통합 - 123.3
2. Mercury - 121.7
3. Alchemist - 121.2
4. Forte - 119.2
5. Detonation F -119.2
Protoss가 유리한 맵
1. Paradoxxx 통합 - 130.9
2. Neo Requiem - 119.5
3. Neo Forbidden zone - 119.4
4. Plains to Hill(etc) - 115.4
5. Into the Darkness II - 109.8
Terran이 어려운 맵
1. Raid Assault 통합 - 70.3
2. Plains to Hill (etc) - 81.7
3. Neo Requiem - 82.4
Zerg가 어려운 맵
1. Paradoxxx 통합 - 62.9
2. Neo Forte - 78.1
3. Enter the Dragon통합 - 82.2
Protoss가 어려운 맵
1. Detonation F - 79.6
2. 남자이야기 - 80.5
3. Mercury - 82.1
통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용
"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
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