What Makes a Strong Team? Using Collective Intelligence
to Predict Team Performance in League of Legends
- 인용 66회
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Recent research has demonstrated that (a) groups can be
characterized by a collective intelligence (CI) factor that
measures their ability to perform together on a wide range
of different tasks, and (b) this factor can predict groups’
performance on other tasks in the future. The current study
examines whether these results translate into the world of
teams in competitive online video games where selforganized, time-pressured, and intense collaboration occurs
purely online. In this study of teams playing the online
game League of Legends, we find that CI does, indeed,
predict the competitive performance of teams controlling
for the amount of time played as a team. We also find that
CI is positively correlated with the presence of a female
team member and with the team members’ average social
perceptiveness. Finally, unlike in prior studies, tacit
coordination in this setting plays a larger role than verbal
As social interaction increasingly moves from “real life” to
the online world, we have the opportunity and some may
even say the responsibility to find ways to enrich the
interactions and relationships participants develop. The
findings of this study suggest some very concrete elements
that can be incorporated into online games to enrich
participants’ collaborative team experiences, and perhaps
thereby enhance their abilities as contributors to
collectively intelligent teams.